Kodi from Washington is October's Lucky Winner!
The following is a brief description of what transpired during my Reiki/Chakra Balancing session with Kodi. Darlene, Kodi's person, has agreed to share some of the details of the session so others can learn what can happen during a session.
Today's session with Kodi with just wonderful. When I asked her if she wanted to receive Reiki and Chakra Balancing I received a clear "yes" for both. I typically begin a session by envisioning the Reiki light around the animal - slowly introducing them to it. When sharing a Reiki session you work from the crown chakra (top of head) to root chakra (last major chakra) or you go "as guided". I began with Kodi's crown and the colors, the light just began coming, there was a great deal of energy with that chakra. As I wanted to move on I did, but I just kept feeling compelled to come back to the crown chakra - that appeared to be the only place she wanted to receive Reiki. Animals know where they need and want it and I honored Kodi's wishes.
About 1/2 hr into the session I again asked if she wanted her chakras balanced and received a clear "yes". With Chakra Balancing you work the opposite of Reiki and go from the root chakra to the crown chakra. I started at the root and asked if she wanted that one balanced and it was a "no". I always ask them what they want, not necessarily what they need. I feel this is my way of honoring their wishes. As I went up through all the chakras I kept receiving a "no" which I though was very interesting, but, when I got to her crown chakra I received a huge "yes". Today's session with Kodi was all about her crown chakra and her being connected to higher consciousness, it was incredible that was all she wanted. I just love the thought that here is a dog who just wants to be connected to the bigger picture, to a higher consciousness, it was wonderful to be a part of it.
About 15 mins before the end of the session I felt she needed some serious grounding having spent most of the session working on the crown chakra. I usually envision a tree...a field...a dog running free, which I did then I asked Kodi what she wanted. Once again she took me out in the universe on a cloud, she wanted to rest on a cloud. It was just amazing to me how much she wanted to be out in the "cosmos". I saw the cloud slowly lowering to the earth, roots growing and securing her to earth. So many people have walls protecting them and here Kodi just wanted to "go to the far edge" and experience what might be there. I could not wait to call Darlene and tell her I just love Kodi and her openness to see "what is there". There is no black and white as to "what is there" but Kodi was open to experience whatever might be and it was such a gift to be able to "be" there with her. At one point the gratitude we both shared was immense.
Thank you Kodi and thank you Darlene for entering her and being open to possibilities that we may not see, that we may not understand...but, if we trust our animals there is so much we can learn and share with them. xoxo