~ Janice ~ "I can't say enough about my first Reiki experience, it was amazing. I have had pain in my leg for the last 5 weeks but after my Reiki with Michele I no longer have this pain. I am looking forward to my next Reiki experience."
~Pat ~
"Words cannot express my gratitude, Michele! I can hardly see the keyboard through the tears, but they're good tears. I expected the possibility of some type of healing for Moxi. I did not expect in the process healing for me as well."
Ted 9/1/2002 – 11/27/2012
~ Kathy ~
"I was so pleased that Michele shared long distance Reiki with my Ted while he went through a very difficult time. Her kindness and passion to heal is unsurpassed. I am eternally grateful to Michele for all she did for my boy."
~Cathy ~
"Just wanted to let you know that Janey seems a bit better. Not as anxious and hardly "leaking" at all. :- )"