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Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

"I Will" 

The color associated with this chakra is yellow.  The third chakra enables us to pick up vibrations and essences from people, places and things.   It also involves personal power, energy and self-control, emotional issues and issues of self-acceptance.  When energy flows freely through this center, we are confident about our ability to manifest our intentions and desires.   This chakra is located midway between the rib cage and the navel.    This chakra deals with the sensory function of sight.


  • bossy, narrow-minded, abrasive, dictatorial


  • inability to concentrate, naive, passive, oblivious


  • fire


  • citrine, amber, imperial topaz, gold, tiger's eye, yellow jasper


  • rosemary or lavender (grow some of your own!)


  • The endocrine gland for the third chakra is the pancreas.  The pancreas plays an important part in the digestion of food. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin, which regulates the level of blood sugar in the system and metabolism needed for digesting carbohydrates.  Enzymes that are secreted by the pancreas are important for the balance of fats and proteins.  In addition, this chakra physically influences muscles, stomach, digestion, liver, gallbladder, metabolism and the nervous system.

Ways to Balance:

Spending time in the sunlight is a wonderful way to help balance this chakra.  Pick a task you have been putting off, set a goal and finish that task through to the end (very important that you completely finish task).