Each month one animal from our www.epi4dogs.com family will randomly be selected to receive a Complementary Distant Reiki Session! In addition, 10% of all sessions booked by members will be donated to EPI research/awareness.
Since October of 2009 I have been an active member on www.epi4dogs.com. In this capacity I have been blessed to learn how to manage EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) in both of my dogs. I have watched Olesia, the forum owner, go from a small site to a site now being recommended by the American Veterinarian Medical Association as the on-line resource for EPI ~ how incredible is that! In August 2014 Olesia created Epi4Dogs Foundation, Inc, a non-profit 501c3, to further education and awareness on EPI. It is my privilege to be a Board member for this wonderful Foundation, where 100% of any/all proceeds go directly to awareness and research.
I have also been given the privilege to pay it forward with Reiki, to share what has been given to me, in hopes of helping others with their animal loves. I have watched dogs who appear ready to transition from this world, make miraculous recoveries through the love, the dedication, the tears of the people trying to help them on the forum (click here to see some pictures).
You must be a member of epi4dogs.com or a member of the Epi4Dogs FB community to be eligible for this offer. This offer applies to all animals in your home, not just your EPI animal. Animals are naturally drawn to the healing energy of Reiki ~ please feel free to enter your animal so they may experience this wonderful gift.
To enter your animal in the monthly drawing, you can either email me at GardensOfTranquility@yahoo.com or use the below form to submit a request. All entries must be submitted by 12:00 noon EST on the 15th and a winner will be selected on the 15th of each month (winners will be notified of details via email). All animals not selected will remain in the drawing until such time as they are drawn. It is my intention to try to accommodate all requests received.
2/26/02 - 10/18/10 Beautiful Megg - RIP sweet angel
I feel very blessed to be able to offer this to you and your beautiful animals. Please feel free to browse through my site to learn more about the healing energy of Reiki and my animals. Many thanks to Olesia for once again allowing me to provide a new way to support our animals. I wish you and your animals good health, healing, happiness and so much more! If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me. Blessings to you and your animal loves.
10% of all sessions booked by members will go to EPI research/awareness!