What Can a Person Expect During a Reiki Session?

The most common experiences during a Reiki session are a release of stress, a feeling of relaxation and some people even fall asleep. Whether you are awake or asleep Reiki is still present. Some report feeling warmth from my hands, some may experience a cool sensation, and some may say they did not feel anything at all. Every person is different and every Reiki experience is different, you receive exactly what is right for you in any given moment.   

The rate at which Reiki flows is dependent on the extent of the illness, the degree of blockage, and the readiness of the client to accept the healing and the overall openness of the client to receive the energy. Reiki knows exactly what is right for you for your highest good and Reiki can never harm. Even after your Reiki session is over, the energy is with you and you may see or feel shifts as your day goes on.   

The best way to understand Reiki is to experience a session for yourself.

What Does a Reiki Session Consist of?

A Reiki session is an hour of total relaxation in a peaceful environment. I like to think of the session as an energetic massage. The session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment table or sitting comfortably supported in a chair or even for very ill people it can be offered while in a hospital bed. Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive hand placements, sometimes working with the chakras or just going where guided. Reiki can also be shared through your aura if you prefer not to be touched.  The session ends with me blessing the recipient with Reiki and asking for continued healing.

How Often Can I, or the Animals I Love, Receive Reiki?

Animals and people can receive Reiki as often as they would like!  Sometimes an immediate response is felt, other times it may take several sessions. Healing treatments are cumulative.  If you can do them consecutively, it is more likely you will see positive results in just a few days. There are many factors in how one responds to Reiki, i.e., how long the ailment is present; how “open” one is to receiving Reiki;  how unbalanced one is physically, mentally or spiritually ~ these are just some of the considerations when deciding how often to receive Reiki.