Hi and thank you for taking the time to learn about Reiki. My name is Michele Daniels and I live in Point Pleasant, NJ with my husband Mark, our two amazing German Shepherds, Jackie and Dexter and our sweet cat, Willie. I am a Certified Reiki Master, specializing in Animal Reiki. I have been practicing Western style of Reiki since 2010 and recently expanded my training to include Eastern Reiki ~ Okuden Reiki. I began Reiki as a healing modality for myself and soon learned how amazing it is and I began sharing it with my animals. Along with my friend and Reiki teacher, Caly, I can honestly say Jackie and Dex have been my biggest teachers. I have watched them heal from Reiki and they have shared their healing with me. Jackie and Dex have helped teach me the healing power of connecting and being One.
I worked for a major corporation for 25 years and due to their relocation out of state I found myself like many others "starting over." Several years prior to losing my job I found myself divorced then I lost my home and my 8 year old German Shepherd in a house fire. The last week of my job my dad suddenly passed away, then four years later my mom passed. I felt like everything I held dear was being taken away from me. People always commended me for how well I "handled" things, how well I forged through in the face of adversity. The time had come to face all I had stuffed down, to really feel the sadness and loss, to grieve all those moments I had been strong. With the loving support of my husband Mark, I began a journey like never before in my life. As I pondered what is next for me, Mark just kept telling me to find what I love and do it. Knowing I needed "help" I reached out to Caly (my earth angel) and this is where amazing things began to happen ~ slowly doors started opening, many tears flowed, new friendships were formed and along the way I was introduced to Reiki. Reiki taught me to look inside myself, to trust the Universe in where it was guiding me, to release the past and live in the present moment. Reiki continues to teach me something new with every session. I share this story so you understand that what appears to be our darkest moments are actually the Universe's way of nudging us forward to step into the Light and reveal our true essence of Pure Love. What I shared above is nothing more than "my story". I am grateful for my story and where it is taking me.
Reiki has taught me that my present purpose in life is to share what I have learned with others and their loving animals, in hopes someday they too pay it forward. Every day as I practice Reiki I look forward to where it will take me next.
Animals have always been present in my life even from childhood ~ from the dogs, to the cats, to the gerbils, to the strays I found and brought home to call my own, they have always been a warm loving presence in my life. When I learned that animals could benefit from Reiki, it was only natural for me to learn Animal Reiki and share it with my animals. Animals ask nothing of us, yet they give unconditional love unprecedented from what I have seen. It is an honor and a privilege for me to share Reiki with the animals, to give back a small portion of what they have given me my whole life.
Jackie, Dexter and Willie ~ a rare moment they are all sitting quietly together
My animals (Jackie, Dexter and Willie) are a HUGE part of my journey and I have dedicated a page to each of them. Please feel free to read their story and while you are at it, take the time to learn about EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency). Both Jackie and Dex have EPI but I don't tell them that...I tell them they are just perfect ~ and they are!
I want to end this by saying that for the first time in my life I am passionate about what I am doing with my life, about what I am putting out into the world, and I am eternally grateful that my husband was wise enough to tell me to follow my passion and do what I love...