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Sacral (Svadisthana)

"I Feel" 

The color of the second chakra is orange.   The second chakra resides in our reproductive area and relates to flow, to birth (both literally and metaphorically).   This chakra governs your emotional body and your physical and emotional feelings and senses ~ it is the center of sensuality, emotion and pleasure.    The second chakra is the foundation of the emotional body, it influences our ability to feel emotions, sensations and atmospheres, and controls our ability to let go of our emotions.  When this chakra is in balance we are creating (birthing), we are optimistic,  we are having healthy sexual experiences and we are flowing through life effortlessly.    This chakra deals with our sense of taste.


  • greediness, addiction, tension, compulsivity, frustration


  • disinterest, repressed feelings, self-deprivation, depression, sexual repression


  • water


  • carnelian, coral, amber, moonstone


  • rose, jasmine, bergamot, cardamom, orange blossom, sandalwood


The Adrenials are affected by the second chakra.  The areas of our physical body that are governed by the sacral chakra include the genitals and reproductive organs.  The sacral vertebrae in the spine, the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, spleen and upper intestines are all also impacted by the balance of energy in this chakra.

Ways to Balance:

Movement and dance is good for the second chakra - laugh, move your hips and enjoy!