Otto from Worcestershire UK is November's Lucky Winner!
Once again I want to say thank you to Ann for being open and entering Otto in the drawing AND thank you to Otto for being open to receive. Also, a huge thank you goes out to Olesia for allowing me the privilege of sharing with the members. Each month after the session, if permission is granted, I share the details of the session so people can see what can take place during a session. Below is a summary I sent Ann after Otto's session:
Otto was very open to receiving Reiki. I always start out working with their aura just to "introduce" them to the energy as I did with Otto. From there I moved onto his crown chakra (top of head) and third eye (middle of forehead). He was very open and the Reiki was flowing. What I have been doing in the past is combining Reiki and Chakra Balancing BUT…Otto did not want his chakras balanced, he just wanted Reiki so I honored what was there for him and for the hour I just bathed him in Reiki. After the third eye, I did not work specifically with his chakras I just shared Reiki where I felt he wanted it. What I kept sensing is that he wanted it right where his stomach begins, going through his digestive area and that is where I concentrated for most of the session. What kept coming up was stomach, gall bladder and liver. It was a very peaceful/relaxing session and honestly I don't have much to share other than a huge thank you to you and to Otto for being open to receiving Reiki. May his healing continue…from the inside out.