Alpine from Canada is April's Lucky Winner!

Alpine was very open to receiving Reiki.    In the beginning I felt his throat area was an area he wanted me to concentrate on so I spent quite a bit of time there.    I am not sure what it meant, but I kept seeing what I felt was a general from an army.   I am not sure how to interpret this but for a good part of the session it was present.  

After sharing Reiki with him for about 1/2 hour he was also open to having his Crown Chakra, his Third Eye Chakra and his Root Chakra balanced.    Please see this link and it will tell you a bit about each of those chakras.  There are also pictures where they are on a dog   Chakras are main energy centers and when they are in balance we are happy, healthy and living life to the fullest.   When some become blocked various things can manifest, eg. illness, general sense of feeling “off” as well as other things that do not support us for our highest good.    

What I kept feeling is that Alpine lost his connection with a higher source.    He is living on this earth but forgot “the whole picture”.   After I did the chakra balancing I went back and continued to share Reiki and he soaked it up.   I asked him where he wanted it and I heard “everywhere” from his back end up to his stomach - not his spine but the rest of the internal area - it was a big area.   I felt possibly something diet related is not agreeing with him.  At one point I felt him release an immense sense of guilt, he felt it and he let it go.    He was being so “open” and so brave and so trusting, I am still in awe and could have continued working with him for another hour.  

As the session was wrapping up I felt he “gave me his paw” in gratitude.    It was truly a wonderful session and Alpine was very open to receiving any and all healing that was there for him.    He is an incredible trusting, loving soul.

My prayer is that Reiki continues to surround Alpine and may he be healed for his highest good…now and always.


The following are just some of the comments provided by Alpine’s guardian:    "Interestingly, in the several days following his distance reiki session, he was exceptionally well behaved.   We commented numerous times about how good he was being.  He started behaving like a monkey again on Friday, but we definitely had a good stretch last week!    Funny about the army general image.   I wouldn't be surprised if our training was the root of the image."