I strongly believe in paying it forward.   In that vain, each month one animal from the epi4dogs family will be selected for a free Distant Reiki session.    Our lucky winner for July is Kara from Liverpool England, who was entered in the drawing by her person, Jean.  With Jean's permission below is a summary of what took place during Kara's session.   My hope is that people learn and grow from what I am sharing and in turn, share that growth with their animal.  

Kara from Liverpool England is July's lucky winner!

Congratulations and thank you to Jean for entering Kara in July's drawing!    I have had the distinct pleasue of working with Kara before and each time it is truly an honor. 

I started the session right at 9:00 a.m. EST and I felt she was open to receive Reiki right away.  She immediately drew me to her throat chakra, this is where she wanted to receive it first.  The throat chakra is about speaking up, being heard.  I had a sense that she feels she is not heard.  I moved down to the heart chakra and it took the most Reiki out of anywhere.  Her heart felt closed, hardened, blocked - BUT…by the end of the session she gave me a glimpse of an opening :-)  I had a deep sense of her needing "freedom".  She is happiest when she is free, when she is running around and not a care in the world.  The next chakra I went to was the solar plexus, this is where we "stand into our power".  I kept getting the sense that she is like a child trying to find their voice/power in the world and for her "freedom" just kept coming up.  This "freedom" could be her running, it could be her letting go of "stuff" that does not serve her - her being free. After I worked with each of the chakras I felt they were balanced.  As I wrapped up the session I had an immense sense of peace, I felt heavy and so relaxed and peaceful.   At the final moments of the session one single tear came down my cheek,  I felt she opened her heart and this was my glimpse of it :-)

Tomorrow is the full moon and the moon the night before is very powerful for releasing and stepping into "newness".   My prayer for Kara is that she let go of what does not serve her and she feel and know the radiant being she is.

I could not believe you told me it was her birthday today!  What an honor to share Reiki with Kara today - you made my day! 

Jean's Comments: 

"Reiki for anyone who is undecided is amazing"