Muggie from Massachusetts is January's Lucky Winner!
"As I began the session I immediately felt there was an angel holding her in their arms and I felt this presence on and off throughout the session. The only other time I felt it so strongly was with Jill’s Mickey and that was his Guardian Angel. I did not feel it was Muggie's Guardian Angel nor did I feel it was an Archangel. It was angel showing me they are with her, helping her. In the next day or two, I am going to delve more deeply into this and let you know the outcome.
I always begin a session by sharing Reiki with the aura then moving onto the animal. Where I felt Muggie took Reiki most was to her heart, her solar plexus and her root chakra area (base of spine). Not only did she take Reiki there but she was open for having those chakras balanced. For more detail about each of those chakras please see Most of the session kept coming back to her heart. What I did find very interesting is that when I was at her forehead, which is the area associated with her third eye chakra, I had a strong sense that she understands and sees with a spiritual eye. She sees things that others may not. I actually saw a picture that I have from my garden that was taken shortly after my mom passed and I always thought there was “more” to the picture than shown. Muggie showed me this picture almost as confirmation that she was telling me there is more and she sees it.
Throughout the session I just kept hearing “protection, protection, protection”. I feel she is a sensitive soul and takes on everything from the other dogs in your family. I like to work with angels and I did ask Archangel Michael to surround her in white light and his shield for her highest good. It is my recommendation that every day you take a moment and just ask for protection around her but always state “for her highest good”. Sometimes we are meant to experience “things” so we can grow from them, therefore I feel very strongly about the “for her highest good”. The strongest message I received from this session was relating to her need for protection."