Lili-bit from Delaware is February's Lucky Winner!
Each month I share some of the details of the session so others can see the beauty that unfolds during a Reiki Session. Below is a summary from Lili's session:
"The first thing I did was introduce the Reiki to Lili’s aura so she can become familiar with the energy. Since it is a Distant Session I worked with the picture to the left as though Lili was present with me. I immediately sensed that she was looking forward to the session. Lili knew it was coming and she was really looking forward to receiving Reiki. I just loved that because I have never had that experience before
I usually work with the chakras (main energy centers in the body) but I just felt I would surround Lili and let her take the Reiki where she wanted. After her aura, I moved onto her head area and spent quite a bit of time there. I then moved onto her body and I just felt very compelled to go back to her head ~ that was where she wanted the Reiki the entire time ~ nowhere else, just the head and specifically the teeth/mouth area.
Throughout the session I felt her need for privacy, like she wanted to be alone, just me and her, while I shared Reiki with her. [Due to her deep need for privacy I even asked her if it was ok to publicly share this info.] Near the end of the session I felt immense gratitude from her. As I was ending the session, I looked at her picture with my hands still on her mouth area and all I saw were her eyes ~ she told me to “see with your heart”. I was seeing her eyes but she was telling me that is not how to see - it was wonderful. She is amazing and I am beyond grateful to Lili for sharing this amazing gift with me. May love and light surround both you and Lili always."
When the session was over and I spoke with Susan, Lili's person, and Susan informed me that Lili had an allergic reaction to enzymes and had sores in her mouth (all of which I knew nothing about). When Susan told me this I fully understood why Lili wanted Reiki just on her face area - they know and they teach us to open and trust. ♥