Griffin from Keswick, Canada is December's lucky winner!


2013 was an amazing year for sharing Reiki with the animals of the EPI family and my session with Griffin was magical.    Reiki is many things, it is love, it is energy, it is the Light of Spirit which connects us all.    Each and every time I share Reiki it is such a gift that I will treasure forever in my heart and all my being.    With permission granted, below is a summary of Griffin's session and some comments from his beautiful guardian, Barbara:


Before I even began the session with Griffin I felt compelled to smudge his picture with sage to release any lower energies that may be present.  This is not something I typically would do, but I felt compelled to do it.   I then began the session by “introducing” Griffin to Reiki through his aura and I felt an immediate connection.   After sharing Reiki with him for a while he was open to having some chakras balanced.   Since the chakras are basically the energy centers which receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy, it is helpful to keep them in balance.   His root chakra (was already fairly well balanced), his heart chakra (took a bit to balance) and his crown chakra (was very active).     I only balance the ones he wants balanced.  Other chakras may be “off” but if he does not want me to balance them I do not ~ I honor his free will.   It is very important that he knows he is in charge to take what he wants wherever he wants it (or to not take it at all).  Similar to how people may have something "wrong" but chose not to address it, animals can be the same way ~ it may not be in their highest good to address it.

At one point I envisioned my hands on his belly area and I saw an operating room.   I saw people around the table and I felt Griffin out of his body looking down saying “it is not time, it is not time”.   I had such a strong sense that he understands his purpose, he has not yet fulfilled his purpose and it was just not his time to leave this world and he knew it.    It was an incredibly powerful feeling for him to be sharing the operating room experience and at one point, I actually felt like I wasn’t sharing Reiki with him, he was sharing with me.

There was nowhere in particular he wanted the Reiki so I just envisioned him basking in the Light.   As the session came to an end I saw a single wolf standing out on a cliff high on the mountains, out on the edge, in the howling position.  I felt as though it was Griffin and there was a strong sense of a medicine man.    I felt he is a very old soul who has accomplished much and has a very clear understanding of his purpose in this world.

When the session was over I usually use my hands over the picture and clear any lower energies that may have been released.   For some reason I was compelled to use a large feather I have and wave that over his picture for the cleansing ~ I felt it honored who he is.

Even as I type this I am moved by the beauty of the session. You have a very special boy there who shared with me the beauty of who he is in his heart.  May Reiki continue to surround and guide him in all he does. ♥


excerpts from Barbara's response:   Michele's experience with Griff is pretty magical on a number of counts.  Griffin was rescued from a very poor native community in northern Ontario called Attawapiskat.   We adopted him at 4 1/2 months old from Moosonnee Puppy Rescue.     Smudging is a native spiritual cleansing ceremony and sage is a sacred plant; it's magical that you felt drawn to smudge him before the session and to use a feather to dissipate the energy at the end.   Totally in keeping with his native lineage!   We had him see an animal communicator a couple of times and he told her some interesting stuff...also that he is a wolf.    When Griff was neutered, he suddenly developed HGE ... on his 3rd day post op and had to be rushed to the emerg vet. Blessings and Michele, again, I'm grateful for this gift.