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Throughout our bodies there are many energy centers known as chakras.   Chakras are spinning vortices which receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy.  We all have seven main chakras  (select above icons for a description of each chakra), each corresponding with a gland of our endocrine system.   Chakras are similar in animals with the exception of them having an 8th Brachial Chakra which is located between their shoulders on their back.  

When our chakras are balanced (meaning not spinning too fast or too slow), our body is in perfect harmony with how it is meant to be ~  we are healthy, full of life, living the life we are meant to live!   When chakras become imbalanced we see this manifested through emotional issues, poor health, lack of feeling "connected" and many other symptoms.      

This is where Reiki or a Chakra Balancing comes in - each helps balance the chakras so they function properly!